Monday, December 03, 2007

The Heart of a Great Church

I was away much of last week and over the weekend pursuing my "fun" goal in life - to be the starter at the swimming Olympic Trials in 2012. More on that one day.

I always miss being around Cornerstone, especially for a worship gathering. This weekend I missed something else - I missed seeing the heart of Cornerstone in action.

Mid-week we received a call asking for help. The Butler family had experienced a tragedy beyond belief. Three young children died as a result of smoke inhalation and mom was still hospitalized. Aubrey, Alexander and Braden lost their lives and the family needed the faith community to serve them. They called looking for a place to have the funeral, needing a place larger than their church. They wanted their pastor to provide leadership. There was no question - yes. Please come. It's not our building. It belongs to the Lord for His use.

I missed it but I heard it was a sight to be seen. It was no doubt one of the most difficult days one could ever imagine for the family and friends. It was tough for Cornerstone people. I'm rambling a bit because it's difficult just thinking about it.

Cornerstone showed up. Cornerstone was the Church. Food was provided. Chairs were set up. Sound and lighting was cared for. Greeters were present to open doors and provide direction. Childcare workers were in the Clubhouse. All of this happened in the course of 3 days. That's the kind of church I'm looking for!

I spoke with C.M. earlier today who works at the school the children attended. She said: "Once I heard the funeral would be at Cornerstone I let it go. I knew it would be taken care of." WOW! My heart beat faster with those words. That's the church I'm looking for!

One person at the funeral commented to someone else: "I never thought they'd find a place to hold this funeral. Most churches I know wouldn't let another pastor come in to lead not knowing what they might say or do. Someone might be in attendance and Cornerstone could get a reputation they don't deserve." I guess if someone gets the wrong impression then we're in good company with Jesus. His reputation was all messed up too. That's the church I'm looking for!

I find the faith community by and large too competitive, too protective of what is perceived as "theirs." It's the church I drove past the other day that put up big gates with stop signs on them, opened only on Sunday mornings, Sunday nights and Wednesday nights.

Way to go Cornerstone! Way to be the church! Thank you for providing not only the serving hearts but also the atmosphere that enabled the staff to not hesitate to answer YES. Thank you for recognizing that it's not about the buildings. Thank you for seeing that buildings are tools for ministry. Thank you for being a light to our world. We've changed our community. Lives have been transformed. That's what it's all about. That's the church I'm looking for!

God bless the Butler family. We're glad we could serve you when you needed it. Our prayers will continue.

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