At Cornerstone we've just finished a series titled: Suburban Legends. It was a study of Ecclesiastes. I borrowed the series from a friend in Texas and we adapted it to Cornerstone's culture. As it says in Ecclesiastes: "there's nothing new under the sun." Most pastors take that to mean - borrow and adapt.
I enjoyed this series and would rank it in the top 5 that I've done over the years gauged by the responses and my personal experiences through it. The one on "more control will make me happier" was particularly insightful (and painful) - being a recovering control freak! We go after many things in life believing if this or that happens or if we can accomplish or gain this or that, then life will be more fulfilled...happier. Nothing but Jesus will do it. He alone has life to give and when we go after other things it's like the cistern-diggers of Jeremiah 2:13:
"My people have committed two sins: They have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water."
That's our description when we seek life from the legends of Ecclesiastes.
We're getting ready for two things now: Graduation Sunday is June 1st where we'll honor 25 High School Graduates plus the college and post-graduate graduates. It's a huge High School class whose absence next year will change the make-up of the student ministry as they are replaced by a present 6th Grade class that is almost as large.
Then we kick off our summer series: "Hey God, I've got a question." On Easter Sunday I asked for everyone to write down a question they'd like to ask God. We've collected and grouped them into this 8 or 9 part series through June and July. It's a hodge-podge series that will really challenge the staff and we pray grow the thinking of Cornerstone. There are some tough issues out there.
Remember, don't take the summer off. God doesn't. How will you be spiritually different - in a positive direction - because of the choices you make this summer?