Just in case you didn't notice, we're under construction around Cornerstone. Outside S.R. 747 is expanding to 4 lanes. Inside we're under construction by God's Spirit. We're widening our understanding of God's love and grace through digging into God's Word.
Philippians 1:6 tell us: "I feel sure that the one who has begun his good work in you will go on developing it until the day of Christ Jesus." (Phillips). God is always at work in us in both known and unknown ways. As I look back on my 43 years God has used a lot of different tools: relationships, failures, victories, difficulties, the gentle voice of His Spirit, Scripture, songs...the list could go on and on. God's toolbox is limitless. He's always constructing in me. My biggest problem is that I'm not always paying attention!
I guess it's the 20/20 hindsight thing - I see God's work far more often when I'm looking back than in the present. I think that's what a life of faith is about - at least a part of it. Is it God or is it my own mind at work? It's the construction process at work.
Recently I was building a stone wall. With three different sizes of stones it was a puzzle. Switching stones in and out, putting some together, taking some apart and putting others back in their places. Eventually it took shape. Then, surprise, a fourth size was discovered at the bottom of a pile! Most of what had been built had to be dismantled. But the addition of the fourth size brough a whole new dimension to the wall. It looked even better.
I think that's some of how God's construction goes with us. He builds a little and we think we're done. Then He introduces a new thing and it feels like we're being dismantled only to be made into a creation more like Jesus.
Sometimes I think I've got it all figured out - I know who I am and how God is working, then WHAM! Something new. He takes away one thing and brings in something new and the construction continues.
I find that God's construction ways are a process and we don't see the big picture like He does. That's where faith comes in. It's also a matter of who is God to us. Can He be trusted? What's His ultimate purpose in our lives? that may be the first question to help us get in line with God's will - Who is God? Read the scripture and you'll find out.