Friday, May 18, 2007

Sparklers Are Here!

Yes, I know it's not July 4th but it is a celebration as the Sparks' boys have arrived. Born this morning are Austin and Caleb (the youngest by 10 minutes). Congratulations Ryan and Jenni!

Monday, May 14, 2007


Celebrate - that's the best word o describe this past weekend at Cornerstone. The weekend theme was "Praising God at All Times" taken from the book of Habakkuk as part of our "Navigating the Storms of Life" series. I'm constantly amazed - and disappointed that I'm amazed so much - at how God touches the hearts of people through the words he gives this instrument, flawed as I am. Time and again God reminds me that He is in charge if I will let Him lead and look for Him to guide. He's so willing and ready - and He can do it right at the moment as well as 6 months in advance with sermon planning.

A person who lost a job on Friday told me it was perfect - "Just what I needed to hear." A recent widow, on this Mother's Day, said she's seen the good things God has brought out of the last year and can praise God for the storms. One person said - "You were speaking to me, weren't you!"

God is alive and moving at Cornerstone and as if those comments weren't enough it was the Confirmation Celebration that would pull you over the edge. Hearing the testimonies of some representatives from the class talk about their faith - the privilege of baptism as an outward sign of that inward faith - the prayers for God's guidance for growth in lives that have experienced very few if any storms to this point (although some have endured tremendous storms already) - all of it gives me pause to praise.

We celebrated family - not just with Confirmation - as our Youth Pastor was home with his pregnant wife who is on bed rest until the babies (twin boys) are born. It was where he needed to be. I shared with the congregation that while he wanted to be here for Confirmation he needed to be there. It was one way to demonstrate our commitment to the priority of family at Cornerstone - Jesus first, family second, job/ministry third.

The order of those priorities is difficult to keep. I want to say it's difficult to keep "in today's world" but I'm not sure it's that different than in past generations. There have always been and will always be temptations and distractions away from those priorities. Many Christians say family is a priority and we can support it from Biblical passages but how many of us let our practice catch up with our theology? I'm by no means perfect but I do try to practice it. Praising God at all times is easier when our priorities are in order. We can see more clearly in our storms when we practice what we believe

  • What can you celebrate today?
  • How are the priorities in your life?
  • What adjustments can you make right now to bring them closer to reality?

Before I close I have to celebrate one particular team at Cornerstone who responded in amazing ways - the Student Ministries Team! WOW! With the staff person gone the team stepped up into some unfamiliar territory while also caring for the innumerable details already on their plates. You all are a testimony to the grace of God and the priority of Jesus in your lives. Thank you for serving Him at Cornerstone Church. Sheryl, it was a pleasure to serve with you "up front." You helped make this celebration a true celebration!