Today in the Cincinnati Enquirer there was an article about debt and Christmas. Here is the statistic that caught my eye: "Two-thirds of consumers who got a store credit card during the 2006 holiday season were still paying off the debt more than six months later, according to a national survey conducted by...." (Section J, Page 1 -
We finished up our Money Matter$ series today and once again it generated some of the most excitement of any series we've done. Of course some of the excitement might have to do with the Great Thanksgiving Outreach that culminated today in the delivery of some 225 bags of good to feed around 2000 needy people in this community. Cornerstone Church - you responded so well that we actually ran out of addresses for you to deliver bags to! I'm so sorry that some of you waited in line after worship and didn't get to deliver a bag with your family. We'll believe for more families and more food for our Great Easter Outreach!
The GEO and GTO, as we now refer to them, are relatively new ministries. During the Fall there used to be a Harvest Party and in the Spring it was a community Easter Egg Hunt. Both had their last runs in 2003. At that time, the Outreach Team, was in charge and as they considered the purpose of the events they decided a change was needed. In all the years of doing both with the goal of being a bridge between the Cornerstone Campus and the Community only 1 family could be named that came to Cornerstone as a result. The fellowship was great. The community building within the church was wonderful but it wasn't fulfilling the intended purpose. So they made a change to what is now the GTO and GEO.
Christmas - GTO - Money Matter$. What do they have in common? They are all about getting our hearts closer to the heart of God. Don't let Christmas get hijacked by stuff. Nobody needs more stuff. Stuff is temporary. Love for God and love for people is eternal.
This coming weekend we kick off our 2007 Christmas Offering for the orphans at Fundaninos in Guatemala and the impoverished children in and around Cap Haitien, Haiti. Some have suggested that we shouldn't do the offering this year and instead make a big push for the new facility for Student Ministries. After much prayer and consultation with Cornerstone leaders we decided that we can't choose the Students in West Chester, Hamilton, Fairfield and Liberty Townships over the orphans in Guatemala and children in Haiti. The Students in this community definitely have needs that can and will be met through this new ministry facility (not that the facility will reach them but it is a tool to be used). But the heart of God is with the poor and we can't move away from the heart of God in all this.
The facility will be built. Lives will be changed but not at the expense of being obedient to God's Word: "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27
Some people have said that they will give their Christmas Offering to the building project. I say GREAT! You can't go wrong with giving. Giving is at the heart of who God is. When you give, give generously. Give in such a way that is causes others to look on in awe and wonder!
I love this Church! You are generous - loving - gracious - full of hope - willing to risk. Stay faithful Cornerstone.