Tuesday, August 28, 2007


On Saturday night I had the privilege of praying for this years small group leaders for our teens. In my preparation I searched through some old notebooks and small group booklets from my high school days. I was in a small group all through high school. It was formative. I told the leaders that I didn't remember much of the content but I did remember the leaders and the investment they made in me.

I was privileged to be part of an enormous youth ministry averaging 200 students 7-12 each week. We didn't do Sunday School. We didn't have a youth worship. It didn't look anything like effective youth ministry today - thanks goodness for that. Who wants to be stuck in the 70's and 80's!

I don't remember the content of the retreats I attended. I do remember who was there (one person in particular whom I married years later). I remember the leaders who were my friends but more than that they were mentors, examples, coaching me along my spiritual path. I was transformed because of their investment and look at how it has paid off - the harvest has been souls saved, orphans cared for, the world transformed. It's not because of me but because of the same Lord, the same Spirit that was at work in my youth leaders that is now at work in me.

I don't remember much of the content of what was taught but I do remember the people, the leaders who showed us the way.

Thank you, Lord, for putting those people in my path: Mike, Gary, Stu & Betty, Barb, Mark and others that I can picture but can't remember their names. May I live worthy of their investment in me.

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