Sunday, November 30, 2008

I'm back!

   This blog has been idle for many months now, mostly on purpose, with the many changes coming to Cornerstone. Since the last post we've transitioned our administrative structure to a Board of Elders style, filled an Administrator position with the very capable Dan Francis, and completed a Capital Campaign in the midst of this enormous economic downturn.
   Since the kick-off and celebration of the Campaign (ended November 23) we have seen increased faith, an increase in people seeking help for struggling children and marriages, an increase in attendance and giving, an increase in serving and loving others, the birth of some small groups from unexpected places. Cornerstone is accomplishing what it set out to do - help people grow three key relationships - Committed to Christ - Caring for One Another - Community because of our love for Christ.

   Faith has grown. It's been evidenced in the leadership trusting God instead of circumstances. It's been seen in parents who are praying for children as they navigate the teenage years. It's been heard in stories of people who made sacrifices for this Campaign, they have gone above and beyond the norm by trusting in God's provision instead of their 401k. Faith has grown.
   Help is also on the way. After the first of January 2009 Cornerstone will be privileged to partner with two Christian psychologists who will establish satellite offices on our campus. People have asked me how many people really need that ministry around here. It's literally countless. I've been approached by more people in the past month than I have in the past 4 years about their need for counseling. The need is real and help is on the way. It's part of our continuing effort to impact our community for Christ.


Friday, May 23, 2008

Too long again!

Once again time has flown. The approaching High School Graduation has swept away my mind - yes, I'm a bit nostalgic and loving looking back at photos and remembering the memories. We're excited for Kathryn and the opportunities ahead of her. Mostly we're pleased that she is intent on growing her faith in college and not walking away as 70+% are apt to do according to statistics. How many come back to the faith nobody knows but I think many probably do.

At Cornerstone we've just finished a series titled: Suburban Legends. It was a study of Ecclesiastes. I borrowed the series from a friend in Texas and we adapted it to Cornerstone's culture. As it says in Ecclesiastes: "there's nothing new under the sun." Most pastors take that to mean - borrow and adapt.

I enjoyed this series and would rank it in the top 5 that I've done over the years gauged by the responses and my personal experiences through it. The one on "more control will make me happier" was particularly insightful (and painful) - being a recovering control freak! We go after many things in life believing if this or that happens or if we can accomplish or gain this or that, then life will be more fulfilled...happier. Nothing but Jesus will do it. He alone has life to give and when we go after other things it's like the cistern-diggers of Jeremiah 2:13:

"My people have committed two sins: They have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water."

That's our description when we seek life from the legends of Ecclesiastes.

We're getting ready for two things now: Graduation Sunday is June 1st where we'll honor 25 High School Graduates plus the college and post-graduate graduates. It's a huge High School class whose absence next year will change the make-up of the student ministry as they are replaced by a present 6th Grade class that is almost as large.

Then we kick off our summer series: "Hey God, I've got a question." On Easter Sunday I asked for everyone to write down a question they'd like to ask God. We've collected and grouped them into this 8 or 9 part series through June and July. It's a hodge-podge series that will really challenge the staff and we pray grow the thinking of Cornerstone. There are some tough issues out there.

Remember, don't take the summer off. God doesn't. How will you be spiritually different - in a positive direction - because of the choices you make this summer?

Sunday, March 30, 2008


I can't believe it's been 2 months since I last spent some time reflecting on what God is doing and where God is leading at Cornerstone. Of course, I've also not been told anyone is missing it so.....but it's good practice for me if no one else.

40 Days of Community was over the top! The Celebration Sunday (Palm Sunday) was over the top. The 500 adults and teens in small groups for 6 weeks was over the top. The worship that Jim led on Palm Sunday, Easter Sunday and today was over the top - a notch forward each time. God is up to something. I have felt myself in His presence more and more each time I set foot on the Cornerstone campus. And I think it's more than having those new doors we waited for for 4 months! God is opening some new doors for us. I don't know what's on the other side through them but I know who put them there and I know who holds them open. I can trust Him!

On Easter we launched our present series, Suburban Legends. I'm trying a couple of new things all at once: We're moving through the Book of Ecclesiastes which I've never done before - we've done book studies but not OT; I'm including some application points, prayers and blanks to fill in within the outline instead of just in the Going Deeper notes. The response so far has been positive. I was introduced to no less than 5 visitors personally invited by Cornerstone members. God is up to something.

What fills your life? What is it that you believe will leave you full instead of empty? The best remedy for my emptiness has always been my relationship with Jesus. I can feel sorry for myself with the best of them. But it doesn't work. I can mope around better than the best but it doesn't fill the void. Jesus does. Talking with him. Reading His Word. Spending time reflecting on His goodness. What is it that you pursue for that fullness? Together, Cornerstone, let's pursue Jesus.

Monday, February 04, 2008

40 Days of Community

We're off on another 40 Days Campaign - of course we've only done one other but it was awesome! In 2004 we did a 40 Days of Purpose Campaign and it rocketed our small groups off the deep end. I think we had 5 groups prior to that time and ended up with 30. God has blessed us from there.

You hear me talk a lot about small groups and I know some of you wonder - "How do I fit it all in?" "He expects me to come to worship, find a place to serve AND go to a small group!" Well....yes....but only if you want to grow in Christ!

Don't get me wrong, spiritual growth isn't all about DOING. It's about BEING - being a Christian - being like Jesus - but I've not found another way that works like small groups. And what we're discovering around Cornerstone is that in small groups you can find a place to serve together and many groups sit together at Sunday Worship. Some groups take on a specific ministry at Cornerstone and serve together. Others find a ministry outside of Cornerstone and serve there together.

Yesterday we talked about why we need each other. A couple of independent type people wrote me notes or came up to me and said - "You say I need other people to walk with me but they walk so slow!" One said: "You say we need people to work with us but that means I've got to explain how to do it and make sure they do it right!" We laughed! They got it. I got it.

I received a note today.

I’ve been very guilty of the “my problems are nothing compared to others” syndrome. After a recent difficult time in my life I hated depending on others for what little transportation I have needed. I’ve turned down meals and offers of assistance from several people because I didn’t want to become their “burden”. I sat teary eyed as I listened to you tell me it’s okay to accept the generosity of others and what a true gift it is to receive such offers. My “I can do it myself” attitude has caused me much frustration and now I see how silly it is to behave in such a way. I’m usually the one on the other end…offering help…not needing it. Yesterday I learned that it’s okay to say YES…and not feel guilty about it. And you’re right…the folks at Cornerstone have been awesome…offering their assistance, transportation and many prayers.

Way to go Cornerstone! It's not unlike the old hymn: "O what peace we often forfeit. O what needless pain we bear, All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer." When we refuse to share people cannot care and we all miss the full benefit of the family of God - the caring and the receiving. We all need to be cared for, that's one of the benefits of the Body of Christ. It's good to be in a place that understands that and is trying to live it out.

Monday, January 21, 2008

The Headlines

A vision tool I was taught last year involves working with this thought: "What do you want to headlines to read about your church in the next 3-5 years? What does the body of the article say? What are the details?"

As I've shared the past two weeks approaching our 15th anniversary I was drawn to an encounter between Jesus and Simon Peter in Luke 5. Simon and his fishing pals have been out all night fishing and they've caught nothing. Jesus instructs them to "launch out into the deep water" and when they do - against all common sense - they catch so large a catch that two boats can't handle it and they begin to sink. I chose out of that story the phrase: "Church Goes Off the Deep End" as a headline for Cornerstone. I want us to follow God off the deep end, stretching for His vision for us.

Yesterday someone said to me: "That was right on!" Whew, that's good to hear! Vision isn't going to settle well in everyone who hears it.

OK - so that was all some 8 days or so ago and then all hell broke loose in the Raker household for what seems like the umpteenth time in the last 11 months. First John got sick, immediately I got the same thing (but it's lasted much longer) then Caroline had her appendix out, then Kathryn began getting the "guys" virus and I missed worship for the 2nd time in 22 years due to illness. Stephanie, well, mom's aren't allowed to get sick.

So where was I....

Vision. I've heard positive comment after positive comment about some of the vision we shared over the past few weeks. Cornerstone, I believe, it ready to launch out into the deep water. I'm not sure what all that means but I do know it will involve risk and danger and going against some common sense - Just as was the encoutner with Jesus and Peter.

Ken came up to me at our Annual Leadership Summit on Sunday - which I attended but "sat" in the back to hear what our leaders were hearing. Thank goodness for a great team of people who kept the show going! Ken said: "You're under attack and I need to prayer harder for you." Thank goodness for people like Ken. I know there are more of you. And for people like Quinn who help serve some of the practical needs with offers of a a meal. Quinn, you are a multi-talented man. Thanks for being a servant at Cornerstone.

This weekend we kick off 40 Days of Community. We've been planning and praying and anticipating and it's finally here. Praise the Lord! My devotions this morning took me to Ephesians 3:20-21 - in summary - God is able to do more than anything we can think or dream up because of the power he has at work in us. I'm looking forward to see what that is for this 40 Days adventure. Don't miss it!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Mission & Vision

At Cornerstone we are approaching our 15th Anniversary. A lot has happened in that time. We've seen both valleys and mountaintops. We weathered storms and celebrated victories. All along we've sought to remain faithful to our vision - Building Lives with Christ as the Cornerstone.

Pastor Andy Stanley has made popular the phrase, "vision leaks." I couldn't agree more. Vision gets lost in just a few days. It is drained out of our lives by the daily grind of life. It is sucked out of us by fatigue and frustration. It is pulled out of us by the Enemy. All around us vision is in a battle for life. And in the absence of the reminder of the vision, in a vision vacuum, people fill in the blanks the best they can...then comes confusion and frustration. I wonder if that's what's happened with the questions I've been getting about vision. Regrettably I was distracted and unavailable for much of 2007 with my dad's illness and death. No one at Cornerstone, nor myself, regrets the decisions we made to spend the time the way I did but it didn't leave time to refill the vision buckets that have holes.

I know that I have failed to realize how quickly vision leaks. I have not communicated as often nor as clearly as I need to about Cornerstone's vision.

The vision of Cornerstone has never changed from the first day - Building Lives w Christ as the Cornerstone. Everything we do has to do with that vision. In fact I've considered what one word would describe this vision - it's "transformation." When a life is built where Christ is the Cornerstone it is a transformed life.

Some might say our vision is missions. No. Missions is a tool, a vehicle to transform lives. After last week's message on how to grow spiritually in 2008 and talking about one of my personal ministry goals of helping as many as possible learn how to study the Bible on their own, someone might say our vision is Bible Study. No. It's a tool, a vehicle to transform lives. We're in the midst of a building campaign and some might say our vision is money or buildings. No. Those are tools, vehicles for transforming lives. We say a lot about small groups and emphasize we'd like everything to be in one. Some might say our vision is small groups. No. They are just a vehicle, a tool for transforming lives. After our 3rd Annual Christmas Offering some might say we're all about money and only international missions. No. It is just a tool for transforming lives - first ours and second the children in Guatemala and Haiti.

An early mentor of mine named John gave me some great advice. Pick something and stick to it. Focus on it. Keep it always in front of ministry. Don't only do that one thing but make one thing the point. He was referring to a ministry vehicle to accomplish the vision. In each church I've led the vision has been different. It's been God's call for that congregation in that specific culture. The one thing chosen has been different too. At Cornerstone it seems to have become missions - locally, nationally and globally. I never dreamed the Christmas Offering would take such a prominent place on the stage of our lives. I had no idea the transformational tool it would become. It was just a tool. Truth be told I would have chosen something else but thank God it wasn't my choice.

Regardless of what we're doing, we're about transforming lives - the lives of children, teens and adults - the transformation of the whole family. If what we're doing isn't transforming lives then we ought to stop it.

I am thrilled that it is 2008 and I have the privilege of serving at Cornerstone with you. You are the greatest congregation I have ever been associated with. That doesn't mean we do everything with excellence. That doesn't mean we don't have lots of ways to grow. It does mean that we have the right vision and God has gathered great leaders to the congregation and the staff. It is truly an honor and a privilege to be here. Thank you for being a part of this great place - great because of what God does. Now I pray I can be the leader this congregation needs. Thanks for your prayers and support.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

It's a New Year

So I took most of the month of December off from blogging - let's see - 1st week was in Atlanta and Short Course Nationals (a swim meet); working lots with mom to get dad's estate straight and paperwork submitted; sick; Christmas parties; Christmas Eve worships - which were great! Way to go Jim. If you missed Christmas Eve at Cornerstone you missed God's touch. I pray you found it in a church where you were visiting family or friends.

So it's a new year and none too soon for me. But with a new year come new challenges and opportunities, like financial aid forms for college! I can't believe our oldest, Kathryn, is college-bound this Fall. How did that happen?

I'm just back from a restful vacation in Ft. Myers. I didn't check e-mail the whole time - and I survived! It's amazing what you can survive without. I've never had an MP3 player, although that may be about to change. We just replaced our home desktop computer - it lasted 5 years and the techonology was far outdated. But we survived. My children and wife didn't bring their winter coats on vacation so they weren't prepared for the bitter cold we met in northern FL. You'd think after all these years of insisting they bring coats and even boots "just in case" that they would automatically do it. NOT! I had my coat and gloves. But they survived.

So even though I was on vacation the Holy Spirit and I had many conversations. I am excited to share some messages with you this January about what the future holds for us at Cornerstone. God is busy. God is working and we get to be part of that work! This weekend we're going to talk about studying God's Word as a primary transformational tool in God's workshop. We must be a people who are all about God's Word. Without it we cannot grow into the people and therefore the Church He intends for us to be.

The following three weeks we'll be looking at what lies ahead of us in the next 3-5 years as we approach our 15th Anniversary as a chartered congregation. Then on Sunday, January 27th we'll have our annual Cornerstone Summit, laying out a theme for the year (which is "Excellence" in 2008), gathering servants from all the various ministries and anyone who wants to know what Cornerstone is going to be about. The team putting this year's Summit together is working overtime to make it a truly memorable event. You won't want to miss our keynote speaker, Tim Kerwin - former Chief Steward on Air Force One. He has some things to teach us about "Excellence."

Why talk about "Excellence?" Because our God has only given us His very best and His call deserves our very best. Doing things with "Excellence" is first about worshiping God and second about evangelism. We give our best to our Lord and we give our best so that others can come to know Him. I hope you'll plan to be there from 2-5:30.

It's good to be back. I'm glad it's a new year. See you on Sunday Cornerstone as we kick off year number 15.