Sunday, November 11, 2007

Money and Church

Today I received one of the best compliments ever in 20 years of pastoral ministry. We're in the middle of our 2007 Money Matter$ series which happens every November. It's not a series about giving to the church. It's about what God's Word says about money, it's uses and evils in our lives.

A young man approached me and said: "That's the first time I've heard a sermon on money and not wanted to leave the church!"

One of the big excuses people give for not attending worship is "the church only wants my money." Unfortunately that excuse has some true background to it. Teaching about money isn't about raising a budget, it's about supporting the mission of Jesus. Teaching about money isn't about the money it's about the heart. I learned a long time ago that money is a spiritual issue not a financial one. The way we use our money speaks mostly to the health of our heart.

Money will either be a tool to be used for Godly purposes or it will be a god to be worshiped. I don't believe there is any in between.